Heritage magistra vitae - The 3rd International HerMa Conferece in Elefsina, Greece

By Faidon Moudopoulos The 3rd IHC International Conference in Heritage Management (HerMa) took place in Elefsina, Attica, Greece, from the 30 th of September to the 2 nd of October. Organized by the Institute for Heritage Conservation , an NGO aiming to promote good practices in heritage management, the event was more than a conference, being part of the Aeschylea Festival , organized by the Municipality of Elefsina. The coexistence of the Festival with the conference combined with the fact that the city’s candidateship for European Cultural Capital of 2021 nomination was successful, transformed those three days to an inundation of diversified heritage practices. The old olive factory with the conference logo (credit: Sophia Zakoura) All those parameters provided a fertile ground for the development of the conference. Moreover, the broad topics covered by the various panels stimulated the interest of professionals in various disciplines and resulted to a diverse a...