What is AP?

AP: Online Journal in Public Archaeology is an international, peer reviewed, open access journal devoted exclusively to Public Archaeology. Edited by JAS Arqueología, it is freely distributed online in order to enable easy access to research and debates, and to spread the growing realm that is starting to settle into everyday archaeological practice.
The aim of this journal is to explore the multiple relations between Archaeology and Society. Archaeology is generally understood as the study of past societies from their remains, and Public Archaeology is the study of the relations between Archaeology and Society in every aspect of daily life (social, economic and political). We are talking about the present of Archaeology and the different issues that surround and affect it.
Below is a list of key topics covered:

  • The economic and political impact of Archaeology.
  • Archaeology as Popular Culture.
  • The history and development of Archaeology as a professional activity.
  • Theoretical issues around the publicity of Archaeology.
  • The image of Archaeology.
  • Legal issues affecting archaeological practice and the illicit trade of antiquities.
  • The presentation of Archaeology to the public.

Of course, this is not an exhaustive list of topics, which is why the criteria for the preliminary selection of papers are subject to the topic. 

This journal has been created with the desire to become a reference in the field of Public Archaeology. Therefore, we encourage all of you working within the realm of Public Archaeology to share your thoughts, experiences and ideas in this open medium for the development of Public Archaeology.

The journal is comprised of four sections:

  • Forums, where different present or controversial topics are debated by a number of authors.
  • Articles, in the form of traditional ones or as work reports on topics covered by the journal.
  • Points of You, a special section where a colleague can discuss a certain topic from a personal perspective.
  • Reviews with a critical approach to new books, events, or other means of communication relevant to Public Archaeology.

The Call for Papers is permanently open, but we encourage contributors to send their original papers no later than April, so that volumes can be published in December. Papers must be original and should not be in consideration by other journals for publication. There is one volume per year, but we are open to publishing specialvolumes that either focus on specific topics or gather papers from congresses.

We are looking forward to your contribution!

Official Website: 

Email: jasarqueologia@gmail.com

Jaime Almansa Sánchez, Incipit, CSIC (Spain)
Elena Papagiannopoulou, Independent researcher (Greece)

Assistant Editors:
Amanda Erickson Harvey (USA)
Kaitlyn T. Goss (USA), (2014-2018)
Dominic Walker (UK), (2014)

Reviews Editor:
Alexandra Ion, Insitutul de Antropologie "Francisc J. Reiner" (Romania)

Assistant Production Editor:
Alejandra Galmés, Universitat de les Illes Balears (Spain)


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